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Mtu anaporudia kusikiliza kitu anachokipenda Zaidi ya mara saba, huwa anaanza kikikumbuka hicho kitu zaida ya 92 percent. And it goes directly and become stored to his sub-conscious mind (in the bible we call it heart). Things that are stored in our heart are what controls our actions, our responses, our attitude and our behavior. Hii principle ndio tunayo-itumia wakati tuna-cram vitu vya darasani.
   Sasa because many don’t like cramming, then we used to repeat something several times more than 7 times, so that it could stick in our minds. Hii njia hutumika kwenye matangazo pia. Kwa mfano “airtel yatosha” ni tangazo ambalo lilirudiwa mara nyingi sana kiasi kwamba karibu kila mtu akawa anajua kuwa kuna kitu kinaitwa “airtel yatosha”. Hi njia imetumika kuangusha wengi sana… Samson aliangushwa kwa hii njia kwa kurudia rudia kuulizwa na ampendae.
   Sasa wengi wetu tunapenda sana kusikiliza nyimbo. Na from the above method huwa tunajikuta tunakumbuka hizo nyimbo vizuri sana. We usually repeat to listen the same song several times because we love that song. Now take an example you are listening a song of “Lily Wyne” who his song is full of evil and sinful words. Ndani ya verses anatukana mara kadhaa… na ndani ya Chorus kuna matusi kadhaa. Na hadi nyimbo inaisha, chorus inarudiwa labda mara tatu. Na chukulia labda umeisikiliza na kuirudia mara tatu… kwa maana unaipenda. The results is that his mind becomes highly corrupted and it becomes full of evil words. Then they start controlling that man unconsciously. Now imagine how satan is busy corrupting our minds!.
   Sasa iko hivi, Kitokacho mdomoni mwa mtu ni yeye mwenyewe, akifanyacho mtu ni yeye na aonekanavyo mtu ni yeye. For it is written “as the man thinks in his heart, so is he” and what the man speak is what overflows in his heart. Mtu aongeae huku akiunganisha na matusi ina maana huwaza kwa kutukana pia. Akishanga… hushangaa kwa tusi. Akishtuka hushtuka kwa tusi. Akitaka kuweka mkazo wa jambo Fulani humalizia kwa tusi. Kwa maana hiyo… atafakaripo hutafakari kimatusi matusi. Kimtokacho mtu mdomoni mwake ndicho kilichojaza nafsi yake. Now, ask yourself; can God cooperate with the mind full of evil word and sinful imaginations?
Satan is very weak. Therefore he is busy trying to make God’s people very far from God. He is busy trying to corrupt our mind so that God cannot hear us even if we pray. Hii inafanya mtu ashindwe hata kutumia dakika mbili kuomba. Kwa maana akiomba sana in his heart anajikuta kawaza matusi na sinfull imaginations. Can you imagine how many have been deceived? And in-fact, the life without God also means “busy but not effect-ive”.
As it is concluded by Jesus our Lord that “A good man, out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man, out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. And also it is written “A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul”.
   Nobody wants to be called a “fool”. Therefore have to guard our mouth and be careful on what we feed our minds. Look at what you like listening… Do they corrupt your mind? kuna watu watajitetea kwa hili… but it is written “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death”. And also it is written that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”,
    Mwenzako akitoa tusi mdomoni mwake usikasirike…bali muonee huruma. He was not designed that way…Na ikiwezekana muulize hivi “nani anautumia huo mdomo wako? Ni Roho wa Mungu? Ni roho wako? Au ni roho wa shetani?
Written by Ibrahim J. Nzunda.(+255 754 210 627)

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